Research Paper Writing Workshop

An online research paper writing boot camp was organised on 6th May 2024.Dr Shivani Nag commenced her presentation by emphasizing the significance of research paper writing. She elucidated that writing papers not only facilitates academic progression but also contributes to the expansion of knowledge by effectively communicating ideas and research findings. She outlined the common structure found in various types of research papers.Prior to embarking on writing a research paper, Dr Nag proposed four crucial questions for self-reflection:

  • What new does our research offer?
  • How do we ascertain its novelty?
  • What methodology led us to this new discovery?
  • Do we possess sufficient evidence and theoretical/methodological underpinnings to substantiate our claims?

Within the compact timeframe of one hour, she endeavoured to provide an overview of research paper writing while also raising awareness among the participants about the nuances of similarity and plagiarism. The workshop proved beneficial to all twenty members of the SEL, enhancing their understanding of these critical aspects.

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