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In order to keep the conference on schedule and do it in a way described in this document, the following time frame needs to be followed by the organizing committee

First Call for Papers: Latest by 1st week of May (Submission Deadline: 1st week of July)

Second Call for Papers: Latest by 1st week of July (First Extended Deadline: 2nd week of August)

Third Call for Papers: Latest by 2nd week of August (Final Extended Deadline: Last week of August)

Review Process: Start by the second week of August (after first extended deadline is over). Each reviewer must be given at least 2 weeks’ time for reviewing, a reminder after 10 days and 10 more days for submitting the review. If reviewer fail to submit within 20 days / express their inability before that, the paper may be assigned to a different reviewer and the same timeline as above must be given to her/him.

Review Process End and Send the Paper back to authors for rebuttal: End of October. The authors may be given 7 – 10 days for submitting the revised version and/or their rebuttal.

Finalization of Review Process and Sending the Decision to the Authors: Last week of November

Conference Date: 3rd / 4th Week of February