Conference on Indigenous and Lesser Studied Languages
Our President, Prof. Kavita Rastogi has been appointed as an [...]
Our President, Prof. Kavita Rastogi has been appointed as an [...]
A pilot survey of two Raji hamlets Chakarpur and Khirdwari [...]
To create mother awareness a dance and music competition was [...]
A library for tribal children of Rajikiiy Ashram Paddhati School, [...]
The Indian Institute of Technology, Patna invited our President, Dr. [...]
On 26th February 2019, we celebrated Mother Tongue Day in [...]
‘अल्पज्ञात भाषाओँ का प्रलेखन: विमर्श एवं माध्यम’ नामक राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी [...]
While giving a talk during ICOIL – 2 at IIT [...]
A three -day IPA online training was [...]
A three days online documentation training was [...]