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Dorli Lexicon Collection

दोर्ली बोली बस्तर के छत्तीसगढ़ की एक बोली रूप में जानी जाती है । इसे कुछ लोग गोंडी का ही (बस्तर के दक्षिणी हिस्से का )एक रूप मानते हैं जिसको दोर्ली / दोर्ला भी कहा जाता है ।इस लघु परियोजना के तहत डॉ. आरती पाठक , रायपुर द्वारा दोर्ली बोली की शब्दावली का संकलन कर संस्था को भेजा गया

Raji Revitalization Program– Phase II

Raji ISO 639-3 code jnl is a little-known tribal community inhabiting the eleven small hamlets in the state of Uttarakhand, the hill base region of the west-central Himalayas, India.

Documentation & Archiving of sTodpa, Punan, Pattani and Spiti _Phase I

SEL started this project on the request of Mr. Tobdan, a native speaker of sTodpa language. In the beginning he introduced us with a group of ten different speakers who wanted to preserve their language and culture.

Development of sustainable economic initiatives rooted in the traditional knowledge of Raji community

The objective of the present project was to develop alternative sustainable economic initiatives for the Raji community by conducting a series of workshops

Revitalizing Raji: A Workshop Series To Introduce Script and Encourage Its Usage

SEL provided human resource and on ground support to a FEL (Foundation for Endangered Languages) funded project in organizing two workshops during 19th April to 25th April 2018.