The conference will have presentations by the following modes (it may be extended to other modes if there is a need to do so).
- Open Presentations: These will be the papers accepted by an open call for papers and will include the following
- PowerPoint Presentation: The presenters will be given 20 minutes for presentation using PowerPoint slides and 5 minutes for discussion in this mode
- Poster Presentation: The presentation will be given 2 – 3 minutes for introducing the poster to the whole group of attendees before the start of the poster session. After this, the posters will be put up in an area where all the attendees may have a look at it. Furthermore, one or more dedicated poster sessions (separately from any other session, lunch breaks and tea breaks) will be organised. This must have enough time so that on an average a person can spend upto 3 minutes with each poster. Thus, if a poster session has 10 poster presentations, it should not be of less than 30 minutes.
- Demo Presentations: These presentations will follow the same procedure as the poster presentations with the difference that presentations
will give a demo of the dictionary, tools, technology, etc developed by them instead of presenting something using a poster.
- Keynote Talks / Invited Talks / Plenary Talks: The conference must have a substantial number of plenary talks by the most renowned and respected researchers in the field from across the globe.
- Workshops and Tutorials: The conference must feature some relevant workshops and tutorials for the benefit of the young scholars and early-career researchers by the most renowned and respected researchers in the field from across the globe.
- Others: The conference may include any other kind of relevant activities, depending on the availability of resources and completely at the discretion of the Organizing Committee.

Note: SEL membership is mandatory for all the paper presenters. The abstract book of the conference will be uploaded on the website of the SEL.