The society hosted a programme for its members called ‘For SEL, By SEL’ every Monday in the month of January 2021, where each presenter shared their work with other members in the presence of a subject expert. Dr Nivedita Kumari from Tokyo Kasei University in her presentation ‘Asian English’ shared her observations as an ELT teacher in Japan. Maaz Sheikh, a young enthusiastic researcher from Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi in his presentation ‘A preliminary description of Azamgarhi’ discussed how Azamgarhi, his mother tongue, was an independent language on the verge of extinction. Ajay Kumar Singh used the opportunity to discuss his work on ‘Tharu case system’. The comments and motivational suggestions from our experts Prof. Awadhesh Kumar Misra, Prof. Imtiaz Hasnain and Prof. Madhumita Barbora gave the presenters better insight and direction for their research.