Vaak Manthan invites articles, field reports in prescribed format for the upcoming volume Article should follow standard academic practices including language, format and ethical considerations. Articles should be written in standard academic English. The journal has a double -blind peer review policy. To facilitate this process, the authors are requested to submit two separate files:
- Title page containing the author details, and
- Manuscript without author information.
Title page should contain the following information:
- Running head (a short title of less than 40 characters)
- Title
- Author/s full name(s) written as First name Middle name Last name
- Affiliation: The name(s) of the institution(s) (including section, division, center or department)
- Authors’ telephone number and e-mail address
- Corresponding author
Manuscript should conceal author identifier elements. Authors are suggested:
- Not to use first person pronouns for the reference of earlier works of the author(s) as these can be author identifier elements. Use first person pronouns referring to the present manuscript only.
- Not to include acknowledgement section in the first submitted draft (this section can be added later if the article is accepted for publication)
Manuscript should contain the elements in the following order:
- Title
- Abstract (150-200 words)
- Keywords (5 words/phrases)
- Main text (divided in sections and numbered in decimal)
- List of abbreviations (if any)
- References
- Appendix (if any)
- Tables and figures should be in proper place in the text (provide heading/captions, and number them in decimal). Authors may be requested later to submit high quality figures separately, if needed.
Format of the manuscript:
- Number of pages: 10-25
- Page size: 18cm x 24 cm
- Orientation: Portrait
- Margins: 2 cm in all sides, header and footer
- Line spacing: Single
- Paragraph spacing: 6 points before and 0 point after; but no paragraph space between the lines in the same example (each example is considered as a paragraph).
- Fonts and faces:
- – Times New Roman or similar sized fonts (11pt) for description
- – Data from language(s) other than English need to be in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Unicode (10pt).
- – If other scripts are necessary (for the data on orthography, dictionary, etc.), please use the fonts compatible with Unicode.
- – The data in the running text should be italicized.
Unified style sheet for linguistics should be followed for the manuscript.
- ‘Author, Date: page’ in the text citation
- ‘Author (Surname, First name (Middle name) and First name (Middle name) Surname), Date, Title (normal face for part (articles in book or journals) and italic for whole), Place: Publisher, Pages (for part).
- – Date without brackets.
- – Title: without quotation marks, Each Word capital for Periodicals and sentence case for the rest.
- Abbreviations: (ed(s).) for editor(s), (edn.) for edition, (tr.) for translator.