In continuation with earlier Revitalization Program from September 2023 SEL plans to start a Raji teaching Program in collaboration with Raji community children. The main objective is to teach written form of Raji language to young children. The Raji orthography system was developed way back in 2002 but till date it lacks standardization. Often children use different spellings for the same word. We plan to use the earlier prepared Basic Vocabulary chart for this activity.
During Wikitongues Raji accelerator prog (2022) apart from Tulsi four young Raji children were also involved. Under this program on every Sunday, they used to take classes in their hamlets. With the help of a basic vocabulary chart, provided by SEL. These enthusiastic young Raji cohorts also created poems & songs in Raji which were used by them as pedagogical material during the classes. Most of the participating Raji children learned these poems & songs orally and now they can recite those poems.
As mentioned above in this present phase of the Raji Revitalization Program we plan to emphasize on the written form of Raji language. We plan to start from one hamlet ‘Jamtari’ with Mukesh and will gradually move to other hamlets also.
The following team is handing the project-
S.No | Name | Position |
1 | Kavita Rastogi | Team Leader |
2 | Sapna Kashyap | Team -Coordinator |
3 | Ajay Kumar Singh | Member |
4 | Mukesh Rajbaar | Community member |